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Al Horford Career Stats

Al Horford: A Vital Piece of the Boston Celtics' Success

Unveiling the Impressive Career Stats of Al Horford

A Key Contributor to the Celtics' Championship Contention

Al Horford, the veteran center for the Boston Celtics, has established himself as a crucial component in the team's pursuit of NBA championship glory. With his all-around abilities and unwavering leadership, Horford has been instrumental in the Celtics' success, earning the respect and admiration of fans and opponents alike.

Horford's career statistics are a testament to his impact on the court. As a center, he has consistently delivered impressive performances, averaging 13.7 points, 8.8 rebounds, and 3.4 assists per game throughout his NBA career. His exceptional field goal percentage of 52.3% reflects his efficiency in converting shots, while his strong rebounding ability has made him a force to be reckoned with on both ends of the floor.
