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How Many Albanians In Uk 2024

Albanian Migration to the UK: Surge in Arrivals Triggers Policy Review

Immigration Trends and Government Response

The United Kingdom has witnessed a significant increase in Albanian immigration in recent months, prompting the government to reassess its policies. According to official figures, 2156 Albanian nationals arrived in the UK in the year ending September 2023, a notable increase compared to previous years.

This surge in arrivals has raised concerns about the potential impact on the UK's asylum system and public services. The government has responded by reviewing its immigration policies and implementing measures to address the issue.

Impact on the Asylum System

The influx of Albanian migrants has placed a strain on the UK's asylum system. In the 12 months ending 31 March 2024, there were 26027 returns, of which 5976 were Albanian nationals. This represents a significant proportion of all returns during that period.

The government has attributed the increase in Albanian arrivals to various factors, including the perception that the UK is a welcoming destination for asylum seekers and the presence of organized crime groups facilitating illegal immigration.
